Since both ZBrush and Mudbox come as free trial versions, you might want to check them both out first and then choose the program you like most.

However, ZBrush beats Mudbox in terms of functionality.
Mudbox digital painting and sculpting software provides 3D artists with an intuitive and tactile toolset for creating and modifying 3D geometry and textures. ZBrush’s biggest competitor is Mudbox, which was developed in 2007 and acquired by Autodesk. Jody Garrett’s goat skull was designed with ZBrush 2.
You should also check out our tutorial about how to prepare your ZBrush models for 3D printing here. To get a feel for the software without taking any risks you can start ZBrush’s 45-day-trial version here. Heads up though: ZBrush comes with a rather steep learning curve and a price of 795 USD. Jody Garrett, who printed the goat skull that you can see below with ZBrush, calls the software a “hands-down tour-de-force of digital tools.” Launched in 1999 as 2.5D modeling software, it is now the go-to solution for 3D sculptors and painters. It offers the world’s most advanced tools for everyone from art enthusiasts to major film and games studios.

Without any doubt, ZBrush is the most popular and most powerful digital sculpting program out there. Later on, we will also mention traditional 3D modeling programs that offer basic sculpting modules. Here, sculpting is the sole purpose of the software and not just a bonus feature. In the first part of this blog post, we will focus on sculpting programs. This article will show you the 10 best 3D sculpting programs to get the job done! While many 3D modeling programs focus on precision, 3D sculpting apps are all about turning a piece of visual clay into a stunning 3D print.

3D sculpting is a fascinating way to bring characters, monsters, and all kinds of organic shapes to life.